I’m Jay Clark, Founder and CEO of EARPEACE. In 2008, I spent a week in Trinidad for Carnival and Mas, enjoying two full days of dancing next to 18 wheelers that had been converted into rolling speaker stacks. On the third day, I was sitting on the beach in Tobago and realized the ringing in my ears was louder than the waves crashing. It was frightening. I loved live music, festivals and traveling, but I knew there was no way I could enjoy a party like that again without really good hearing protection.
It all started with an idea.
After coming back to the states and trying everything on the market, it was apparent that not only was there a lack of awareness about Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), but there was no good solution for discreet, comfortable hearing protection that didn’t interfere with the experience. In search of becoming part of the solution to this health problem (and making sure I didn’t miss out on any of the music), I began developing EARPEACE technology.
In 2010, I launched EARPEACE at SXSW as a solopreneur. At that time, high fidelity hearing protection was a completely new experience for most people. I worked with a handful of clubs to hand out hearing protection and speak with as many people as I could about the importance of protecting our hearing.
The evolution of EARPEACE.
Our PRO line launched in 2019, a next generation earplug that elevates both the sound and comfort experience. Filters in the PRO line feature a multi layered tuned acoustic membrane that grabs the sound signature and replicates it with crisp and clear sound quality at a safe volume. The design of our PRO earplugs mold to the shape of your ear canal creating a complete seal for a near custom fit. In 2021 EARPEACE PRO was awarded two patents, followed by a third in 2022.
The road goes on forever and the music never stops.
The future of EARPEACE continues to break new ground. Our mission is to enhance the experiences people value most, by providing the best hearing protection technology. We continue to innovate and spread the importance of hearing health to everyone we meet. Stay in the music, enjoy the ride and wherever you go…make sure you have your EARPEACE.✌️

"EARPEACE are among the best earplugs out there and I have literally used them at over a thousand shows. My ears thank you."

"EARPEACE continues to produce my favorite earplugs. I switched to them as my go-to noise protection of choice."